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311 lines
; *************************************************************************
; ******************* SHELLBENCH INSTALLATION SCRIPT ********************
; *************************************************************************
; $VER: ShellBench.install 1.2 (22.12.95)
; Copyright ©1995 Nick Christie
; *************************************************************************
; Find out about program version, etc
; get version of SB in distribution
(set vernum-sb (getversion "ShellBench"))
(set ver-sb (/ vernum-sb 65536))
(set rev-sb (- vernum-sb (* ver-sb 65536) ) )
(set @default-dest "")
(set defsbdir "SYS:WBStartup")
(set catsdir "Locale:Catalogs")
; if novice user-level, bump up to average
(if (= 0 @user-level)
(set @user-level 1)
(user 1)
(set old-user-level @user-level)
; ************************************************************************
; English strings
; ************************************************************************
(set default_lang 1)
(set #yes-msg "Yes")
(set #no-msg "No")
(set #bad-kick-msg "ShellBench requires AmigaOS 2.04 or better!")
(set #hello-msg
("Welcome to ShellBench V%ld.%ld\n\n" ver-sb rev-sb)
"This script will install ShellBench and "
"related files on your Amiga.\n\n"
"You will need to answer a few questions such as "
"where you would like the program installed.\n\n"
"If you do not wish to install ShellBench at this time, "
"select the 'Abort Install' button now. "
(set #sb-askdir-msg "Please select the directory to install ShellBench in.")
(set #sbguide "ShellBench.guide")
(set #sbguide-ask-msg
"\nInstall ShellBench documentation?\n\n"
"(This is an AmigaGuide file, and you will be asked "
"for the directory in which to install it.)\n\n"
"I recommend installing this, and reading it too, "
"so that you know how to utilitise ShellBench to "
"its fullest."
(set #sbguide-askdir-msg
"\nPlease select the directory "
"to install ShellBench.guide in.\n"
(set #guide-help
"AmigaGuide is the Amiga's standard hypertext format.\n\n"
"If you have AmigaOS 3.0 or better, you can use MultiView "
"to read this documentation, otherwise you must use the AmigaGuide "
"program, which is available on AmiNet and Fred Fish disk #870.\n\n"
"Both of these viewer programs have a 'search path', a set "
"of directories they search for AmigaGuide documents. "
"You should place this guide somewhere in that path."
(set #locale-msg
"\nShellBench is localized, which means you may use "
"the program in several different languages. "
"Please choose your preferred languages.\n"
(set #locale-help
"These are the languages supported by ShellBench.\n\n"
"Simply specify the languages you prefer and the "
"required catalog files will be copied to the "
"Locale:Catalogs directory.\n\nThis feature is "
"only available under AmigaOS 2.1 and later."
; ************************************************************************
; xxxx strings - template for other languages
; ************************************************************************
(if (= @language "xxxx") ; fill in language name
(set default_lang x) ; I will fill this in
(set #yes-msg "Yes")
(set #no-msg "No")
(set #bad-kick-msg "ShellBench requires AmigaOS 2.04 or better!")
(set #hello-msg
("Welcome to ShellBench V%ld.%ld\n\n" ver-sb rev-sb)
"This script will install ShellBench and "
"related files on your Amiga.\n\n"
"You will need to answer a few questions such as "
"where you would like the program installed.\n\n"
"If you do not wish to install ShellBench at this time, "
"select the 'Abort Install' button now. "
(set #sb-askdir-msg "Please select the directory to install ShellBench in.")
; if guide is translated, uncomment second line & fill in language
; (set #sbguide "ShellBench.guide")
; (set #sbguide "/Guides/xxxx/ShellBench.guide")
(set #sbguide-ask-msg
"\nInstall ShellBench documentation?\n\n"
"(This is an AmigaGuide file, and you will be asked "
"for the directory in which to install it.)\n\n"
"I recommend installing this, and reading it too, "
"so that you know how to utilitise ShellBench to "
"its fullest."
(set #sbguide-askdir-msg
"\nPlease select the directory "
"to install ShellBench.guide in.\n"
(set #guide-help
"AmigaGuide is the Amiga's standard hypertext format.\n\n"
"If you have AmigaOS 3.0 or better, you can use MultiView "
"to read this documentation, otherwise you must use the AmigaGuide "
"program, which is available on AmiNet and Fred Fish disk #870.\n\n"
"Both of these viewer programs have a 'search path', a set "
"of directories they search for AmigaGuide documents. "
"You should place this guide somewhere in that path."
(set #locale-msg
"\nShellBench is localized, which means you may use "
"the program in several different languages. "
"Please choose your preferred languages.\n"
(set #locale-help
"These are the languages supported by ShellBench.\n\n"
"Simply specify the languages you prefer and the "
"required catalog files will be copied to the "
"Locale:Catalogs directory.\n\nThis feature is "
"only available under AmigaOS 2.1 and later."
) ; endif xxxx language
; ************************************************************************
; Begin actual installation
; ************************************************************************
; Check for KickV37 or better
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick-msg)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Show welcome msg
(user 2)
(message #hello-msg)
(user old-user-level)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ask the user where we should install ShellBench and copy the program.
(set sbdir
(prompt #sb-askdir-msg)
(help @askdir-help)
(default defsbdir)
(copyfiles (source "ShellBench") (dest sbdir) (infos) )
(set @default-dest sbdir)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install ShellBench.guide. Ask yes/no first, then ask for directory.
; If installed, set GUIDENAME tooltype of ShellBench.
(set guidedir sbdir)
(if (askbool
(prompt #sbguide-ask-msg)
(help #guide-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes-msg #no-msg)
; then
(set guidedir
(prompt #sbguide-askdir-msg)
(help @askdir-help)
(default guidedir)
(copyfiles (source #sbguide) (dest guidedir) (infos) )
(dest (tackon sbdir "ShellBench"))
(settooltype "GUIDENAME" (tackon guidedir "ShellBench.guide"))
; install catalog(s)
(if (exists "libs:locale.library")
(if (exists catsdir)
(user 2)
(set lang
(prompt #locale-msg)
(help #locale-help)
(default default_lang)
(user old-user-level)
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n
(if (in lang n)
(if (<> 0 n)
(makedir (cat catsdir "/" language))
(source (cat "Catalogs/" language "/ShellBench.catalog"))
(dest (cat catsdir "/" language))
(set n (+ n 1))
) ; endwhile pick language n
) ; endthen
) ; endif exists catsdir
) ; endthen
) ; endif exists locale lib